Connect with influencers from around the world, grow your personal reach and reach your potential. The Evolutionary Business Council is committed to supporting members with intensive in-person deep dive events to weekly collaboration calls.

EBC Technology Deep Dive

September 5-6, 2024

9:00am to 4:00pm Pacific

will be held virtually via Zoom

EBC Vision Deep Dive

February 13-14, 2025

9:00am to 4:00pm Pacific

will be held virtually via Zoom

Click here for more details and to save your seat

EBC Annual Retreat

March 27-29, 2025

more details to be announced

EBC Personal Development Deep Dive

June 5-6, 2025

9:00am to 4:00pm Pacific

will be held virtually via Zoom

EBC Leadership and Technology Deep Dive

September 25-26, 2025

9:00am to 4:00pm Pacific

will be held virtually via Zoom


Jennifer Hough

Wisdom Council

Asheville, NC, USA

Laura Baxter

Erlangen, Germany

Board Member

Rev. Erin Dragonsong

Denman Island, BC

Mary Muia

Nairobi, Kenya

© 2024 Evolutionary Business Council